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Radon Awareness

What is Radon? 

  • Radon is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas that goes into the air from soil, rocks, and minerals.

What does Radon do to me? 

  • Radon harms your lungs and raises your risk of lung cancer, even if you do not smoke cigarettes. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.

Who is at risk? 

  • Everyone is at risk.
  • Mainly children because their lungs are still growing and can be harmed easily.
  • Smokers have a 15 times greater chance of getting lung cancer because of how tobacco smoke and radon gas react together.

What are normal Radon levels in my county?

Normal levels of radon are at or below 4 pCi/L. If your home tests a level that is higher than this contact NNPHD for next steps.

The State of Nebraska, Environmental Health office collects data to track areas high in radon across Nebraska.  Northeast Nebraska has some of the highest levels in the state.  To see a map of areas high in radon click on this link:

Where can I go to get a Radon Test Kit?

NNPHD provides free radon test kits to people who live in Cedar, Dixon, Thurston, and Wayne Counties. You can also pick up a test kit from the UNL Extension Office in your community. Click on the County to visit your community’s Extension website.

*Supported through a grant from the Nebraska and U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services